Ed's journalism
& public relations
303-781-BOOK (2665)
Ultrawest Research--Market Trend Intelligence
The STATS system beating the market consistently >>>
Edward B. Sadowski Communications Services
Public relations and marketing solutions >>>
Your guide to the *banking* crisis
(currently not updated)
What's free or inexpensive around town
COJOURN--The Colorado Issues Journal >>>
A journal of Colorado issues by college undergraduates
Colorado Issues Digest >>>
Colorado issues for an informed citizenry
Bringing policy issues and community together
Colorado Libraries NOW! >>>
A portal for librarians - news, issues, resources
The Colorado Small Business Info Network >>>
The entrepreneur's ultimate resource for starting and running a business (mostly not updated)
Drop In English Conversation >>>
(currently inactive)
Englewood Housing Authority >>>
Helping provide affordable housing for low-income families
(current client)
Investment Fund Intelligence >>>
Ed's solution for victory over the market
Knowledge Research Central >>>
Finding information in the library and on the Web
(mostly not updated)
KoolDogz Pet sitting/dog walking >>>
(currently not operational)
News and information about the Littleton area (currently not updated)
Bridging the divide between groups, individuals, and the community
(currently not operational)
Denver and Colorado history (and contemporary events) that are anything but ordinary
Trader Track Records >>>
The best *market timing* systems uncovered
(currently not updated)
Zeitlin and Associates >>>
Complete *CPA* services in the Cherry Creek area
(former client)
His body of webwork -- design and content by Ed Sadowski
Ed's publications
> Digital Document Management Solutions for Business (Kindle)
> The Researcher's Law Dictionary available in the Kindle bookstore.
> The Savvy Surfer Guide to the Best Websites. (Out of print.)
> Way of the Robot: Getting Started with Automated Forex Trading (Kindle)
> Colorado Library Insider >>>
> The ACC Library Newsletter. 2007-2012. >>>
> Plagiarism Detection and Prevention Using Turnitin, Google, and Other Tools >>>
> Using Social Media for College Marketing >>>
Ed shares his `ETF` trading methods in Stockpickr.
Ed's journalism
All websites owned by Ed, with exception of two former client sites (Englewood `Housing Authority` and Zeitlin and Associates)
Ed's PR media
releases portfolio
Below are Ed's journalism,
public relations & librarian
resumes & portfolios
Ed's Journalism
& PR resume
Ed's classic, collectible
(at least in his grandiose mind) and out-of-print Web guide.
Used copies still still available at Amazon for an outrageous price.
Amazing how many great sites selected by Ed from the early 2000s are still around
author / former journalist, PR practitioner, librarian / investment analyst / website creator / ETF trader / sports buff / intrigued with the holographic universe
Ed has a background in journalism, public relations, freelance writing, publishing, website creation and design, and librarianship. He has an MA in Librarianship and Information Management from the University of Denver and a BA in English from the University of Colorado.
He has published scholarly papers as well as news and feature articles, and is the author of a book about the Internet, document management, legal research, and Forex trading. He is also a published poet and had a play selected by the Changing Scene Theatre, Denver. MORE